The climax of events seemed over as Jesus was taken off the cross and buried in a tomb on Friday. Saturday was dark and gloomy as they were still unpacking all that occurred. The disciples watched their Rabbi, friend, and the man they believed to be the Messiah die at the hands the Romans. Jesus […]
How many of you today are aware that nothing can stop God’s plan from unfolding? He created everything and He is in control of everything. There is no spiritual or human force that can manipulate or control His ultimate plans. Today in Matthew 27: 62-65, we read about the burial of Jesus Christ. But, more […]
Many who read this will already have a good understanding of what Good Friday entails, the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. It’s a day of solitude, of reflection, of trying to grasp what Jesus endured in being mocked and beaten nearly to death before he was nailed to a cross. […]
Jesus gathered with His twelve disciples to eat the Passover meal in Jerusalem. A meal to remember what God had accomplished by providing a way for the Jewish people to be set free from slavery and no longer under Egypt’s control (Exodus 12). As part of this celebration the Jewish people would sacrifice and eat […]
Today is a tough one to process. Jesus’ close friend and disciple, Judas Iscariot, chose to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver in collaboration with the Sanhedrin. The Sanhedrin were a counsel in ancient Israel that consisted of seventy men who were known as leaders and officials among the people. Again, these are Jesus’ […]
Related Passion Week Devotionals: Every year, we pull out a wonderful object lesson tool called ‘Resurrection Eggs’ to teach our children in a palpable way the Easter story. It’s an opportunity to teach them about the events of the week leading up to the resurrection of Jesus in a way that truthfully displays the hardest […]
When we often think of Passion Week, or as some call it, Holy Week, we start with Palm Sunday then immediately jump to Good Friday and Easter Sunday. These days are celebratory in nature, with Good Friday being one of reflection, grief, and solitude. However, we often miss the significance of the events in between. […]