Learning to Study The Bible | Maverick Life

Learning to Study The Bible

Choosing to venture into studying God’s Word is the most worthwhile pursuit we can have in this lifetime. It is a pursuit that will not only challenge who you are and how you spend your time, but it will also lead you to a far greater understanding of who God is. You will have many questions and feel as if the more you read, the more complex your understanding of God becomes. It is a feeling all too common among people who choose to study the Bible. The more I read, the more fascinated I become, and my awe of how Holy God is grows. It is evident that scripture will increase our knowledge of God, thus impacting our thought processes and transforming our hearts and minds into the likeness of God himself. When we wash ourselves in scripture, it leads us to walk out our lives in truth and make wiser decisions in life.

Placing Bible reading and studying as a priority will lead you to some hard conclusions about yourself. When I started my own personal journey for intentionally studying the Bible daily, I found that I had formulated several excuses for myself as to why I couldn’t read daily. I blamed my role as a mother, my work schedule, my own personal fatigue, and even at one point not having the right “tools” to study (it sounds ridiculous speaking it out now, but I let not having a aesthetically pleasing journal and some highlighters keep me from studying). My point is, you will find the excuses, and I believe the enemy works in the smallest details to deter us from understanding God’s Word.

The biggest hurdle is prioritizing time, and prioritizing a time when you are alert and engaged. Notice I didn’t say when it is quiet and you are alone. The reality is, no matter how early you wake, there is always a child that wakes with you and there are times you have a sleepless night with little ones and can’t physically wake early to have that alone time. That’s okay. What matters is that you show up and spend quality time with Jesus. Something to consider is: what is your prime time of day to study God’s word? Is there something interfering with that time of day? How can you make adjustments?

A critical step to studying God’s word is to begin in prayer. Prayer is simply communicating with Jesus. You don’t need to recite memorized prayers, you don’t need to be concerned about how your prayer sounds. The same way in which you would talk to a friend, you can approach God. Pray that the Holy Spirit would help you to understand what you are reading and to help you discern truths that can be practiced in your day to day. Ask God to reveal new things to you and to understand His purpose and plans for what you read.

Studying the Bible can be done in several different ways, but I believe the most important way we can study the Bible is by reading, interpreting, and then reflecting. It is beneficial to understand the framework and context of books in the Bible.

Read: You can use modern technology such as your phone or tablet by downloading the popular Bible App. I would suggest NKJV or NIV or ESV versions for ease of reading and accuracy of scriptural interpretation.

You can also work toward purchasing an actual Bible. If you are able to do so, you can find one in your local retail stores, or search online for one. I do enjoy study Bibles or journaling bibles that leave space on the sides of the pages to make personal notes to yourself. I’m currently using this ESV Journaling Bible.

Interpret: It is important to know what you are reading and why it is significant. First, pray before you read and ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand the scripture. This is the most powerful tool and study guide that often Christians don’t consider before reading, but it is essential to effective reading and interpretation. Second, I love using The Daily Grace Co. site for study guides and thematic studies that help you understand the books of the Bible in greater detail, so that when you’re reading, you don’t feel completely lost and overwhelmed. This site frequently has discounts and sales, so wait for a markdown and check back weekly for deals.

Reflect: Reading the Bible can quickly become just a routine and not spiritually edifying if you fail to reflect on what you actually read. The Bible says to mediate on scripture day and night. Personalize reading to yourself. When you have read, pray and ask yourself how what you read can directly relate to you. Ask Jesus to reveal what He would have you to learn and how He is promoting you to grow based on what you have read. How can it relate to the relationships you hold with others, how can it relate to the children you are raising.

It is my prayer and hope, friends, that this simple guide will inspire and propel you into doing one of the greatest things you could ever do for yourself and your family. It not only has physical and emotional blessings to provide you in the present, but eternal blessings in reading the Bible and studying it. Throw away past assumptions, old habits, and maybe a tradition you grew up with and take a chance on cultivating for yourself a personal relationship with Jesus.

We would love to pray for you as you start this journey. Please reach out to us in the comments below or email us and we will surely pray with you and over you as you grow your faith and choose to walk with Jesus daily.


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