Think Big Picture: Balancing Health, Relationships, and Spirituality for a Fulfilling Life | Maverick Life

Think Big Picture: Balancing Health, Relationships, and Spirituality for a Fulfilling Life

Counter cultural living requires you to aspire to a balanced, prepared lifestyle. It requires one to dwell in a mindset that is continually taking inventory; physically, mentally, spiritually, and in all matters of the home. It is not an anxious state of mind, but rather an awareness, a form divine wisdom, that guides you to have full confidence that you are doing your best with the knowledge you have, and a preparedness for whatever comes your way. 

Life is very unpredictable. Life comes with many challenges. While much is out of our control when it comes to the matters of others or world matters, we can control how we live, how we treat our spouse, how we raise our children, and how we conduct ourselves. In order to establish a solid foundation for yourself and your family to stand on, you must think big picture. Big picture is not an anxious state of mind like stated previously, but it is taking full responsibility for yourself and your family, understanding that how you live today directly impacts tomorrow. How you live tomorrow, directly impacts the next, and so forth. When you view your actions as a domino effect on the next generation, you realize that there is no choice but to live intentionally and for the right motives if you are to truly give the next generation a gift.

The Bible is clear on two things: Do not be anxious (Phil 4:6-7) but do not be foolish and live aimlessly (Prov 28:26;Gal 6:7-8). 

Proverbs 1:32-33 says:

“For the simple are killed by their turning away, and the complacency of fools destroys them; but whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaster.”

Be prepared. Too many people cling to the idea that they should live in the moment at all times and never face realities of the future or the consequences of their actions. Too many live with idea that they come first, that their happiness is top priority, that their individuality is to be glorified. The Bible says in Galatians 2:20:

“I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

Considering the days we live in, there has never been a greater emphasis on repentance, turning away from evil, looking to Christ to transform us, and watching for His coming. The Bible shares a parable in Matthew 25:1-12 about having oil stored up for lamps; in other words, living in expectation of Christ’s return, being ready always, anticipating, and prepared. It’s foolish for one to say that it is not important to live a prepared life, and to live a life that is holy and set apart, awaiting the return of the Groom, Jesus Christ.

So I ask this first: Are you spiritually prepared for the return of Christ. Have you made Him Lord over your life, are you bearing fruit as evidence of your faith, and are you dying to sin and selfish living daily? Here’s the big picture spiritually, your eternal dwelling. You must consider before anything else, does your life glorify God and do you know confidently where you will lift your eyes when you pass on from this life? Do not be complacent, do not delay.

The second big picture is your relationship with others. This could be your spouse, your children, your relatives, or even friends. Evaluate those relationships continually. Ask yourself if you’re being 100% present for that specific relationship. My calling as a wife is to be sacrificial and submissive to my husband, to serve him, to respect his position, to provide for him. The Bible says the evidence of a good wife is one where the husband is known and is highly esteemed (Prov 31:23). If I’m living for myself or prioritizing others before my husband, I am living a disobedient life, and my children will see a distorted picture of love. While we are both flawed individuals, showing honor and respect to my husband is healthy, and in turn a happy and respected husband shows me an unconditional love that is more satisfying than anything in this world. It’s God’s perfect, beautiful design. Concerning my children, they are number three priority. Let me explain. First, it’s God. Second, my husband. Thirdly, my children. Any other order is dysfunction. My children need a mom that loves God and loves her husband. My children need a mom that provides them structure, order, consequences, and a safe place to learn and grow. As a mother, you are the best advocate for your child, the best physician, the best teacher, the best disciplinarian. As a mom, I am constantly researching, problem solving, and instructing. I don’t let anyone else replace my primary role toward them. Children are not meant to grow unrestrained and unguided in this world. Our job as parents is to know their strengths, recognize their weaknesses, and pray that the Holy Spirit would mold them into the individuals God designed them to be. In all other relationships, evaluate the fruit that it yields, draw boundaries with unhealthy family dynamics, and cut up relationships that are not healthy for your family to be apart of. 

When it comes to your health, think about longevity in life. Envision what your goals are. For Brett and I, our goal is to be fit and healthy enough to keep up with our children, and to age well so that we can be a physical help to our grandchildren one day. I personally believe that individuals should have a holistic view on health, a balance in all things with physical movement, sleep habits and diet. The more Brett and I have taken the time to learn about our bodies and preventative healthcare, the simpler our lives have become.  We love our local health food store and have been soaking up all the knowledge we can get from the owner of the business. We have even found that taking this approach with our children has been life changing. Yes, it’s work to problem solve, but there is nothing more satisfying than when you find the answers! We don’t idolize physical exercise over diet, and vise versa. We aim to be balanced in all areas. Whole Foods, limited processed snacks, exercise enough to maintain good cardiac health and tone, and alternative homeopathic medicine and supplements are just a few ways we work to balance life with the big picture in mind.

A respected psychiatrist that I have followed for the past year once said that it’s not healthy to live with the perspective that your happiness is priority, and that living in the moment is not healthy for the mind. A healthy form of stress produces self awareness and makes one judge the consequences of their actions. Thinking big picture about how you individually conduct yourself, how you treat others, and how you live is necessary and, in fact, evidence of a healthy mind. Ask yourself this week: What do I want my marriage to look like, what do I want my kids to feel when they reminisce about their childhood, where is my intimacy at with God, and how do I want to see my life in ten, twenty, maybe even thirty years from now. Think big picture. Think Maverick!


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